Sunday, January 20, 2008

Value of Philosophical Quotes/Sayings

Any traveller of life who listens will hear philosophical quotes or sayings from teachers of life. That is from the philosopher or the counsel sought or the psychologists.

What is the importance of these such things. ? A story , quote or saying to the thinker is thought provoking. The meaning behind. The purpose of how to put in action, or demonstration of the ordinary day for example. " For all the work, at the end of the day there is always the laundry" or " The river cannot move the mountain, but a drop of water can." Solomon said ; "With all you are getting, get understanding.", Understanding is the spiritual law, metaphysical law in action. Heremes Trismegistus said several thousand years ago, " To change your mood you must change your vibrations." Today it is said " Paradigm, Mental Shift, being Positive, etc."

The saying "Be careful for what you wish for" Be aware of the spoken word as it will return. Be consciously aware of thought, the spoken word and actions in the day so is the wise man.

Once upon a time two monks were sent from the monastery to a city far away. One monk was elderly and considered very wise, the other monk young, learning and eager. Part of their strict vows was that they never talk or touch a woman.

On the long journey through fields, forests ,using the staff each had to lean on or push back the bush, they came across a raging river they had to cross however the bridge had been washed away. Testing the depth and speed of the river with their staff the decision was made to cross and continue the journey to the city.

As the younger monk proceeded to wade into the river, he and the older monk heard weeping. Looking up the river bank saw a young woman with a small girl child. The woman with the small girl child approached the monks begging to be carried across the river to get home as there was no other way across and dangerous to attempt alone.

The young monk ignored the woman and girl child, crossed the river, upon looking back to his surprise saw the old monk balancing himself with care crossing the river with the small girl child in one arm and the woman on his back. When the old monk reach the safety of the other side, he put down the young girl child and woman, without a word continued his journey to the city.

Many miles later the two monks had walked in silence however the young monk boiled with confusion and anger. The old monk had broken his vows, how dare he. Finally the young monk unable to contain his feelings any longer with anger vented them to the old monk.

"How could you carry that woman and girl child "

" I carried God, is God not all things,? it is you that has carried the woman and girl child, they are still on your back, I left God on the river bank."

"Explain that !!" The older monk with a twinkle in his eye replied " I will tell you a story, a young monk just like you was once on a journey, walking along the road on a wonderful warm sunny day, he heard a voice.

Startled he asked, Who are you Voice, Voice said, "I am God", Where are you God enquired the young monk looking around. Voice said, "You are God, I am God in all livings things" Excited the young monk half listening and not being wise skipped along the road shouting to all that could hear him 'I am God."

On the same road a while later an elephant was coming towards the young monk. The driver sitting on top of the elephant called out to the young monk in the middle of the small road "Out of the way, move over" Hmm thought the young unwise monk why should I move I am God. Approaching, the driver, of the elephant, again yelled at the monk to get out of the way. The young monk held his path as the elephant came closer, the young monk stood steadfast in the middle of the road. The elephant wrapped his trunk around the young monk and threw him unceremoniously into the dusty ditch at the side of the road. Shaken and cross at the elephants actions the young monk stood up, yelled at the elephant "How dare you I am God' The elephant turned his head and quietly said "So am I, you should have listened''

Voice quietly spoke through the dust " I am God, you are God, God is in all things , wisdom is listening, respect, seeing God in all things."

copyright. manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber


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kumar said...

In this all quotes are good. good collection.


Love quotes