Monday, January 14, 2008

Cause and Effects

For every action there is a reaction, or every cause has its effects, every effect has its cause, everything happens according to law.

What is Chance? Did a situation happen by chance? Chance is but a name for the law not recognized. Chance is being unconscious to the movement of existence. Existentialism a philosophical theory which emphasises the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent. A free and responsible agent is consciously aware that there is choice and by choosing the cause there is an expectation of resultant effect.

What is the law? Metaphysical law , the unseen law that lives beside you everyday. In your spoken word and deeds. There are many levels of causation but nothing escapes the law.

The understanding of the opening line applied to your everyday takes wisdom and discipline.

Stop and think, in other words take time to stand still. Standing still lets the mind rest gently weigh up your thoughts, that will bring you to a fork in the road. Choose one and let the other go.

copyright manatthecoalface - mhazledine-barber

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How can one take time and stand still? What if time is an illusion? If so can we ever be still or are we all-ways still? Maybe it is just a choice?