Sunday, January 13, 2008

Meaning of Life?

Meaning of Life? A question many ask and indeed search for. What does life mean to you. What is your purpose in life is the question. It has been suggested meaning was once given, handed down by our "elders and betters ". Through the ages so it has, a discipline to give order or governance across all race, colour or creed, people accepted, direction and purpose to the individuals lives their contribution within that structure was the meaning of life.. Picasso painting the agony of Spain. Charles Dickens portraying the real England promoting social change, I could write an endless list the point being the artists expression or the writers, is extensions beyond the self, through the works raising conscious awareness.

As a US President stated "Do not ask your country what it can do for you, ask what can I do for my country" in other words be responsible for yourself.

I have a saying "ABC" Action, Behaviour, Consequences. It is your action that is your behaviour therefore it is your consequence. This can be applied in any situation.

The meaning of life is within you, asking the question. We live in a world of great beauty and wealth for all to share if the conscious awareness is raised by the captains of industry/government the face of the workplace changes, social structure for the betterment of mankind. The key is self responsibility that becomes global responsibility giving the meaning to life.

Live in the question for infinite possibilities, if your attitude changes that is positive then things around you change so is the excitement and thrilling act of being human just being consciously aware.

copyright manatthecoalface - mhazledine-barber

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