Tuesday, January 29, 2008


In business what is preparation . How robust is the preparation. In metaphysical law the ancients called it digging your ditches. A farmer tills the soil to plant corn, corn is returned, if he tills the soil plants carelessly and plants deadly nightshade he gets deadly nightshade in return and not corn. Be aware of the seasons, in other words timing, the seasons of the business world.

Preparation the corner stone , the foundation of business whatever business one is in. Sustainability of a business comes from solid foundation. Once sitting in the cotton field sat a boll weevil, the farmer challenged the boll weevil. " Nothing is a problem, just a challenge looking for a home" replied the boll weevil.

Face the challenges, let go the past, bless the future , live fully the now. Whatever the challenge, break it down to manageable sizes. Hence one step at a time.

Focus on the direction, no ship sets sail without setting the course and compass. The point of being in business is profitability, profits gives you choices.

An accountant once said. " It was not raining when Nohah built the Ark, the Ark was built by amateurs and the Titanic was built by professionals." Take the opportunity to listen to top advisers, but take control, take responsibility and make your business work.

Be not like "shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic" Faith and Hope are not accounting data but preparation ( planning ) in action, essential oil to the wheel as profit ( money ) is essential to move the business forward and is the second best thing to oxygen.

Money is a means of transaction, as was 1lb of flour for 1lb of salt. Rejoice the energy in business given out, rejoice in the return to enable choices.

copyright. manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

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