Friday, October 10, 2008

Standing on the Sheeps Back

Sheep Overlooking the Pacific: Kaikoura Peninsula, New Zealand

The Marlborough Sounds is where the first sheep landed in New Zealand being sent ashore by Captain Cook. Since that time the sheep has been the back bone of the nation. An amazing animal that has feed and clothed the country and mankind throughout the world. At present New Zealand graze about 40 million of them.

The sheep is a species that not only clothes mankind but feeds mankind. That’s perfect sustainability. From early colonial days when refrigeration was introduced ships left New Zealand packed with valuable cargo's of frozen meat supplying Great Britain in return the investment to New Zealand was the founding blocks of our Nation.

The humble sheep, the living sustainable species the knitting needles of the sheep farmers wives of the nation, who make the best homemade scones lashed with jam and fresh cream, many New Zealanders’ owe these hard working people for the warm woolly jumpers, the Swandri, the socks a combination of wool and seaweed produced in a South Island town called Ashburton,as the country forges ahead on the platform of eco-friendly sustainability.

All off the sheep’s back. There is a great book call 'A Short History of Sheep in New Zealand' by Richard Wolfe. We don't know how lucky we are.

copyright mhazledine-barber manatthecoalface.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

When the World Shivers

When the World Shivers.

The money jars of the world rattle like sabers drawn in battle, as the horses of financial markets thunder across the globe and the world shivers remember the battle may be lost but the war will be won.

The winds blowing are just cooling the markets and shaking down the greedy and punishing those whose speculations by design or error are bought to account.

For the ordinary person in the street called struggle street, the struggle may go on however perhaps this adjustment may well be a spark for a brighter future of wealth sharing of the globe that becomes the betterment for mankind.

From this pile of ashes the phoenix would be the will for mankind to invest solidly into sustainable living versus manufactured dollar chasing throw-away industries. By way of sustainable living the costs lower giving more discretionary spending for the earnings of the worker.

From the financial shocks re-adjustment and change follow the wind that made the world shiver.

Serious questions require serious answers on real issues and all heads of states need a firm hand on the helm of government, have courage to change and offer the people the real will to do so.

copyright mhazledine.barber manatthecoalface.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Does Mankind Survival Depend in Space? or Is Everthing is Possible?

A question posed today was "Does mankind survival depend on exploration/settlement in space" It is such a mess on earth, war,cross cultural tension by every race colour and creed, under utilizing natural resources, abject poverty, disease,

My reply is simple"it may be possible however when you run away from home the one thing you always take is yourself."

For the 21st century at the highest level the thinking and awareness has to change in everything. For all countries so mankind is not reduced to the level of eating rats and toxic vegetation. Hunger is a wild beast that has no mercy. Hunger is not just food, hunger to feel safe, hunger for security of the future generations for our children, hunger comes in many overcoats.

To grow one also needs to reach outside oneself and consider all the possibilities that seek an avenue for the betterment of mankind.

If the world becomes frightened the possibilities can become the veneer on the table top of a 1950's coffee shop. Practical tools, simple steps to live in ones community: wisdom is a key used for the circumstances around one that one may not be able to control.

If the plot of land is taken from one and they are told to grow something to eat, the helplessness is that of the elephant at the end of the rope tied to the stake. Even the strongest become weak.

copyright mhazledine-barber manatthecoalface.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Plato is he relevant today ?

Plato is he relevant today?

To quote from a poet “The good are sometimes good and sometimes bad” But the bad does not become bad he is always bad.

When forces of circumstance overpower a man of resources, skill, and virtue he cannot help but be bad. An honest man becomes the thief?

Is this a good man by forces of circumstance gone bad? It is hard to be good? It is difficult to be good, choose to strive to become good, this is possible, life is right or wrong, left or right, and it is choice. It is impossible to be good.

The descent of a great storm may make the pilot helpless, but the pilot that flies knowingly into a storm without honest evasive action is their consequence.

Financial Band-Aid may protect the wound but the temporary nature is that of the pilot that flies into the storm knowing the consequences.

Modern interpretation by mhazledine-barber of Plato, from The Dialogues of Plato by Jowett.

copyright m.hazledine-barber manatthecoalface.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Productive Investment Consultant

A philosopher, the man at the coal face.
Invest in the philosopher, creative and productive. WHAT WOULD IT TAKE ?

The list below is the wealth of experience, who will invest NZ $20.000.00 to keep this philosopher feed and writing. Potential returns. Hire me.

PNEUMATIC ENGINEERING Allied Pneumatic Co.Ltd Compressed Engineers. Australia. To lecture at seminars Engineering NSW Government, Insurance Council, ICI on practical experience in the field. Adviser-Lecturer-Co-Coordinator – Translator of Industrial Philosophical Rational Investigation of Basic Industrial Disciplines to promote Manufacture Commercial of Industrial Establishment. ELECTRONICS Advanced Production Electronics Auto Insert –Trade Certification Component Identification Surface Mount Technology. FREELANCE JOURNALIST CONTRIBUTIONS AND QUALIFICATION Qualified from New Zealand Institute of Business Studies.2006 Auckland New Zealand. Contributions: Her Business Magazine. Readers Digest Atlantic Press London Poetry Awards. Katherine Mansfield Awards contender. Philosophy. Christchurch Press. Written Short Stories and Poetry. Currently writing a Historical History New Zealand Life 1950 -1980 account of Mental Institutions Reference - Confidential Forum In-Patients of Psychiatric Hospitals. June 2007

copyright m. hazledine-barber manatthecoalface

Investment Two

Investment Two Melt down?

The labor of the philosophical writer for the betterment of mankind is an investment, a potential for creation a product that reflects change, common sense. The compass set fearlessly in a direction on social change.

Change the top

The children in rags in the dump scavenging or homeless on the street look across the railway line at the children in a shanty house. The children in the shanty house look at the children in the nice house, who look at the children in the big house who are well feed and warm on the winter streets of life.

History is a book littered with suffering of all race colour and creed, history is littered with records of mankind’s great achievements and success. Conscious awareness is to look at the exciting history of mankind, learn and take the good.

Then the children of the 21st century in rags in the dump scavenging or homeless on the street would have a nice home over the rail line, the children of the shanty house have a nice home while the children in the big house become part of the community that is well feed and warm on the winter street of life.

Is that not the desire of mankind for their children?

copyright m.hazledine-barber manatthecoalface.

Investment One

Rape Pillage and Plunder

Investment of the hard earned money of the ordinary person today.

The tiles slip off the roofs, the foundations of the economic house collapse leaving the ordinary persons savings as encouraged in 20th century ‘portfolios’, managed funds’ the government steps in bailing out the companies that have mis-managed funds. Give the money to the people who have lost their homes. Let the companies sink and perhaps emerging new companies will have direction that is not fraught with greed, irresponsibility and overpaid golden handshake to those that ruin, rape, pillage and plunder by conscious thought the financial markets, or errors , blunders that the ordinary person in a simple job would be fired. Beware of the money man in the suit.

copyright m.hazledine.barber manatthecoalface.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Change is the cry

History book of lessons learned . The mirror of the past for tomorrow. What is old is new and what is new is old. What have you learned as poetry read and words scatter on the wind

copyright m.hazledine-barber manatthecoalface.


Words written like scattered autumn leaves across the page bound by the solid cover of endurance

The writer writes to deaf ears and poverty knocks

The writer writes and eyes do not see

The ether of words of global connection vaporizes

No-one has time for time fleeting mirrors past years

The nib of the pen is worn

The book is opened yet closed

Weary on the journey the road of dust

Lifelong but short

Scattered words like autumn leaves dancing on the wind

Poverty sits with a grin

Crouch on the side cap in hand

Watches courage struggle on

Courage not sinking in

Every road has its end

Every book needs a friend

copyright m.hazledine-barber manatthecoalface

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Eco Backyard Christchurch NZ

Garden City - NZ Christchurch’s Eco Friendly Back Yard Gardens – Herbalists Heaven

Dr.Li’s recipe of pears cooked in the skin with almonds slices, locally gathered chestnuts, orange peel, sweetened with lumps of ‘iced sugar ‘, (sourced from Asian shops stocking food items). Delivered steaming hot. Clears that congested chest!

Dr Li (of Chinese and Korean origin) in the 1970s’ was compulsory conscripted into the Red Army of China after qualifying as an eye surgeon. Dr Li has resided in New Zealand for about ten years.

Outside the professional practice of being an eye surgeon her knowledge of plants in the garden, as she did in China, as her ancestors did before, as ‘barefoot doctors’ using local herbal remedies. During the Cultural Revolution Mao developed training programs for health as the vast rural areas and farming community were without doctors. Simple medicines for common ailments were sourced where possible in the fields or gardens, anything more serious, if one could, see a trained professional like Dr.Li.

Dr Li introduced me to simple remedies that are easily sourced. Most grow in the back-yard, I had previously left unnoticed, costing nothing but energy and awareness. Dr Li suggests for that eye strain from computers, your eyes become dry, you should blink and look away as constant staring at the computer one tends not to blink, I should eat a lot more greens straight from the ground. Yellow, orange fruit and vegetables are all great to maintain eye health. Dr. Li also said to take some honey each day. I often use honey in cooking when I use high note spices, I still get the full impact of flavor but beautifully rounded. Marmalade, with a teaspoon of honey, especially home-made in hot curries takes the bite from the back of the throat yet still delivers the powered taste of a good curry.

I was to learn chrysanthemum (Botanical name: X dendranthems) had been in cultivation in Asia for over 2000 years and originally grown in China as a herb to give power to life.

Boiled roots used as a headache remedy, the young sprouts and petals were eaten in salads. Lightly bringing the leaves to boil brew a delightful ‘tea’ originally served as a festive drink.

Rhubarb stalks were in my family used in a hot pie accompanied with lashings of whipped cream the latter not so good, being concerned about cholesterol rising. Earliest records date back to 2700 BC in China where Rhubarb was cultivated for medicinal purposes (its purgative qualities). An Asian plant with mysterious cathartic powers, medicinal rhubarb spurred European trade expeditions and obsessive scientific inquiry from the Renaissance until the twentieth century.

Rarely, however, had there been a plant that so thoroughly frustrated Europeans' efforts to acquire it and to master its special botanical and chemical properties. An exotic drink for the summer the recipe is as follows: (note the measurements are in the US measure) being Kiwi I just “chuck” it altogether the eye and taste measure.

8 C. diced rhubarb
5 C. water
5 lumps of ice sugar (buy at Asian shops)
2 C. orange juice
3/4 C. lemon juice
1 Qt. ginger ale or 7-Up -- chilled
1 Qt. fresh or frozen strawberries or excellent canned strawberries from China-- (optional)

Procedure: In saucepan, simmer rhubarb and water until rhubarb is soft. Cool; strain. Measure 4 cups juice and return to saucepan with the sugar. Heat to dissolve sugar. Chill. Add the orange and lemon juices. Just before serving, add ginger ale and strawberries, if desired. Pour over ice.
Rhubarb is 95% water and contains a fair source of potassium, contributes minor amounts of vitamins, and is low in sodium.

Strolling through the back garden I notice growing in abundance parsley, rich in iron and Vitamin C acts as an excellent breath freshener helps maintain skin collagen structures and stimulates the liver.

Blooming with iron, vitamin C, beta carotene, straggling along the back fence, is Watercress living harmony with neat rows of carrots and spinach.

Freshly picked carrots, spinach, parsley, a spoonful of spirulina “the doctors spoonful” nicknamed the

IRON MAIDEN, try the following power pack recipe:
250 g (8 oz) spinach
25 g (1 oz) parsley
250 g (8 oz) carrot

Juice spinach, parsley, carrot, stir briskly in the teaspoon of spirulina drink a power pack of folic acids, chlorophyll and spirulina properties of vitamin B12.
The wood pigeons love the plum trees scattered around. Remind me of Lancaster Bombers taking off as they finish gorging on the plums. (Painted by L Taylor South Island)

Those bunches of chives were interesting, used to aid stimulating appetite. Dandelions, oozing with copper and iron, in amongst the flowers and roses, good for that high blood

Hanging over the back fence Feijoas, (introduced into New Zealand in the 1920`s.)
The New Zealand season runs from late March to June. In some countries the feijoa is called "pineapple guava". Great in the blender with Greek honey yoghurt, soy milk. I realize pondering over my healthy back yard drink looking at my bagful of chestnuts to cook up with the pear recipe, magic gardens, who needs the little pills in a plastic bottle. I have red and green cabbages for kings! Recipes for iron maidens, or Queens, who skip meals in a hurry to “do life.”

Dr Li tells me in New Zealand we have an herbalist’s heaven. I look at her crouched busy weeding, tending plants of the winter garden, I am left amazed at what a wealth of simple goodness that grows in the back yard or around the city I had not realized.

copyright marie hazledine-barber manatthecoalface.

Canvas Painting of your Life

Canvas painting of life is a reflection of the actions taken on a daily base. Failure can be the beginning of great success. That is because the individual recognizes and is consciously aware of “change” It is the change that brings about the success. Failure is a gradual event, a series of errors in judgment repeated every day.

The success of the individuals’ future rests on the actions of today.

If the pathway is not reaping benefits that better mankind, to be stuck in pride not changing the course of action, then clearly the future is easily determined by the reflections of today.

It is easy to be caught up with events of the day placing importance on that moment without the thinking through for the future. That is the art of mental discipline and common sense. Become consciously aware of the formula for success, regarding actions of the moment, are the consequences for tomorrow.

copyright marie.hazledine-barber manatthecoalface.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Engineering Drive

Keep looking for how things can be done better; keep experimenting on the fringe being the Captain Cook in industry. If you find advisers difficult it may mean you have good advisers.

The courage to go to battle the advisers are focused seeing it is even more important to win the war, if something is outside the field one should be confident to pull in another point view. Listen and above all take time, be observant.

Remember it is temper that drives most into trouble and pride that keeps one there. Knowledge is investment and being alert of where that knowledge arrives from, is it through books or the man at the coal face with years of experience who can see the unseen and feel what most cannot feel?

copyright marie hazledine.barber manatthecoalface.

Does Eco History Matter?

Philosophical views considered in metaphysical law “the looking back – or over the shoulder “is not the way forward. However in the ever changing weather and severity does this global world need to look at construction for humans to survive the living status on their particular environment?

Taxing and wielding Carbon Credits does not stop the world’s weather pattern, but being consciously aware of this phenomenon; with hands on investment for the communities of sound building, food, water, and supplies should one be faced with weather trauma, earth or sea.

The will of nations that can be the row-boat of survival may well do to consider history.

copyright Marie Hazledine-Barber manatthecoalface.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Eco Change - Vanessa Collingridge

To quote “One must get people to dance first then change the music” what an inspired thought. Inspiration today comes from my meeting Vanessa Collinridge (Wikipedia or Google look her up) an extraordinary woman who walks the talk. Vanessa jumped off the replica ship the Endeavour (original sailed into the unknown searching for the new world by Captain Cook) in the middle of the ocean swimming around with a rifleman up the mast watching for sharks, looking back to the Endeavour of how incredible it was for the men that sailed in the original in the 1700 and especially Captain Cook his focus and ability to see what could not be seen. To feel what could not be felt.

A New Zealander named Lord Geering wrote a book called “What is Christianity without God” this important New Zealander and his many books I learned, the Christian view, Muslim, and other ancients said the world would be Global 1. They are right we are at global one. Irrespective of race colour or creed the internet has roped the world in a new era as one. Perhaps the ancients thought, was a world coming together totally in peace, harmony, sharing etc.

As Vanessa Collingridge demonstrates through her books, history is exciting, especially the people that broke through barriers of social cast, romance era, to where we stand today this new era of discovery beyond self. We have the knowledge of change, the tools to change, however the will to get people to dance so we can play the music, change and inspiration as with history and lessons learned we need to be a Captain Cook within ourselves first. The courage to do so like Vanessa Collingridge.

copyright marie hazledine-barber manatthecoalface.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Conscious Access Awareness

Access ………… Access yourself. ( Access Energy Transformation) on site a bridge to conscious awareness. Or http://Path of Conscious Leadership by Clare Mann. Research information.

Drawing a mental picture I propose that Access is like the following.

Imagine being inside an Olympic stadium looking at the track and field lines that circle the inside. On each lane at the starters block for a running race are athletes poised for the starter’s gun.

Imagine this scene as life, the starters block means the beginning of life. The inside lane at the starters gun the athlete appears to be behind whereas on the outside lane the athlete appears to be in front. So is the graduation in appearance across the lanes. Yet all started at the same time, in an equal line.

The athlete running on the inside lane is named Religion, those in the middle lanes are :

Behavior Therapy:

You love being ordered around, not that this is going to change you, as it doesn't, but based on what you're being told to do, you now have better self comprehension.

The way to get through to you is through action and definitely not by speaking with you, as there is nothing new out there. Less talk and more action is your motto. You are willing to endure some of the discomfort in this type of therapy, as long as these principles are adhered to.

Your basic goal is to be in control of yourself, if you would only be able to calm down.

Essentially being ambiguous, this type of therapy is consistent with you, because you prefer to evade as opposed to confront.

You probably see your therapist as one in a position of power, and you are allowed uninterruptedly to speak your heart out. These are the basic common denominators for people interested in this type of therapy.

Not feeling complete in trying to understand the actions that you take as reflecting your whole being, this in itself has a way of making you feel complete.

Group Therapy:
When someone else has similar areas of conflict or even not similar, you already feel better. You are truly concerned about others; nevertheless, you need to know that others have problem areas just as you.

The belief in human equality is essential to your very being; therefore the only figure of power that you would bend to, is someone who does not keep telling you they're sure what you should be doing. It may take unusual persuasion to sway you-if you're convinced, you'll end up feeling good about yourself.

Even though you might know what was actually good for you to do, your makeup is such that you desire someone who is in a position of power to tell you exactly that same thing. Because you are heavily into hard facts, you are very concerned with indications, as opposed to theoretical concepts, such as why things occur.

Jungian Therapy:
You want to put the contradictory forces of your being together and thereby find concrete answers to all of your own problems. A major part of this is because you want to understand and have peace with those that are responsible for bringing you into the world.

Primal Therapy:
Worldly and straight, you nevertheless find arranging your thoughts to be a conflict area.

Psychic Healing:
You are close to having a theological belief in non conventional medicine men, plus you sense the encouragement that you once felt, or that you would have liked to have felt from a parent.

No Therapy:
Convinced that you can work out your own conflict areas finding therapists unreliable, as it does not fit practically into your life. Although you would consider it should someone else foot the bill, since this is not usually the case, nothing is pushing you to take it on.

(Joel Engel is the author of “Handwriting Analysis Self-Taught” (Penguin Books)

Then the athlete

Access :

Combination of all the above as if in a relay race holding the baton of infinite being in one hand and in the other the baton of infinite possibilities in the other.

In the outside lane runs the


Who won the race before it began ending where he started at the beginning of the end. That is the thread of knowledge and the wisdom of the distribution for the new life generation to understand the day of their reality.
So it becomes whatever is old is new and what is new is old. So is the graduation of mankind participating in the search of knowledge. The rest of mankind in ignorance sit in the stands and never ask a question.

To teach
any wisdom is having the wisdom being aware of the words that come from your mouth. The application at that time that enlightens a soul is wisdom, to puzzle them is foolhardy. Culture and language is an essential key to putting your message across.

Do not grow old in habit of your teaching that you do not see the lay person on the outside of the window of life as you take in the metaphysical view.

All lay people seeking to learn requires the invitation of understanding your words to come into the room.

So is the law and disciplines of all ancient and ancient new philosophy.

copyright mhazledine.barber manatthecoalface

Friday, July 25, 2008

When the Wall Street Bell Chimes

When the Wall Street Bell chimes nations shiver. The foundations of mankind shivering in the shadow of global change are the warnings for reflection. Reflection of production for import and export between trading nations.

“We train hard, but it seemed that every time we form up into teams we would be re-organized. I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new situation by re-organizing, and a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress while only producing confusion, inefficiency, and demoralization.”

Global freedom starts at the local freedom. Before looking at the leaky tiles on the roof at the house next door would it not be wise to fix your leaky tiles first.The world shuffles paper like an old deck of cards, yet the man standing in all weathers at the revolving door collecting tips is that not the real cash and real business to take note of.

Perhaps the structural social fabric foundation need reviewing for the betterment of mankind’s future for those captains of industry have they forgotten that hunger never sleeps?

copyright mhazledine.barber manatthecoalface.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Swing of Life Compass

Social networking in the virtual world presents new questions of how does psychology and conscious leadership meet in a positive way considering the future potential of an increasing virtual world on this level. How does one view the quality of ‘friendship’ and the fine line of professionalism?

Philosophy ancient and new what part does it play in the potential of the growing virtual world and how it effects the world s communication skills. What is the cost to the human being in time, in the space of time and the monetary cost? Information shared and your image ever embedded in this world, how aware are you of the tools of disciplines required.

What change are you looking for, for what purpose, does it serve mankind in a positive way. Does it reward your effort as one is every week when paid to work in a company/business? How the world is changing across an electronic stream. A river cannot move the mountain but a drop of water can. Are you the river or the drop of water in your future?

copyright mhazledine.barber manatthecoalface.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Food Food Glorious Food

Food Food Glorious Food.
Conscious leadership, self responsibility expressed philosophically around the globe, the leaders of any given political calling, should they recognize many countries live on the edge of a Marie Antoinette society?

The principle players are politicians rich enriching the already rich that wear boots so big they need four pairs of socks to fill them as children play “empty belly” on the winter streets of life.

A hard working man rich is to be applauded, a hard working man in the field of industry should not be condemned and little rewarded that does not sustain him.

If a fat man at the table of life is gorging food and drops some crumbs on the floor and I crawl in and steal the crumbs which one of us is the thief?

Change is a battle that must be won, hunger is a wild beast, what part are you going to play to be a voice for mankind? If mankind is well and feed, so are you, if the hunger erodes your neighbor, how well are you really?

copyright manatthecoal marie hazledine-barber

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dear China

Dear China from an ordinary Kiwi.

New Zealand has enjoyed over 100 years of history with the Chinese people. I applaud the new trade agreement.
The world focus on the new trade agreement and the Olympics as the torch travels the world battling through waves of protest and conflict as a democratic right to protest to highlight an issue.
A country may well want independence it is a sad fact that violence spills over hurting people on all sides of the argument instead of peaceful change lead by conscious leadership and negotiation.
As an ordinary Kiwi I ponder how the world seems to forget the ordinary people who built, shaped, wonderful artistic skills to present to the world an Olympic venue of sports collaboration bringing together all race colour and creed.
I ponder the fact that China took a courageous step to open to the modern world and the changes she needs to make are so great most nations would buckle under the weight of responsibility.
Taking self responsibility, by conscious leadership, to change is to be admired.
Human rights, in the work place, in the community, world- wide come in many sized packages. To be succinct in essence how true the saying is “he who has not sinned cast the first stone.” Ask the question and define Human rights.
Multi-Nation a l companies or any company in China should reach out across the cultural differences with respect ask the question how can we assist to improve the work base and quality of the workers that benefit s China and all other trading partners through-out the world.
Investment deserves profit; investment also means to those who are the productive equation of that profit. A man needs to be able to afford his food look after the family and time to look forward to a secure future. Change should not be feared but embraced.
I applaud China for the giant step forward for their people and the gift of opportunity they give to the world. History is littered with nations pain of change, I hope the world steps back for a moment and think of the pain the Chinese people live in their daily life and ask instead of yelling criticism but offer how can we ease this pain with respect . Dignity and accept the differences in the culture.

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

The naked Human - being - Human rights.

The Naked Human- Being- Human Rights.

Climate change, so is the climate of man-kind across all spectrums’ of political race colour and creed.
Conscious leadership is not just at the grass roots yet required globally in all nations. Every individual taking self –responsibility taking up the reins of conscious leadership is a contribution to the community and the nation. Today we live in a global community desiring autonomy and civil rights.
Freedom. Freedom of speech, free-will, free thoughts, freedom of the press. The four freedoms, defining human rights and civil rights is age old ancient. The principles of application are broader today.
What of the human rights and civil rights by financial rape, city rape, political rape, landscape rape that sees the growth of tent cities.

La criallerie ordinaire fait qu’ons’y accoutume, et que chacun la me’ prise. Fr – “A clamorous abuse, too often repeated, becomes as familiar to the ear as to lose its’ effect. “ If you scold your servant inordinately for not rinsing a glass, he will scarcely feel rebuke, when you charge him with robbery”.

Is there any man free…….. Who has the power of passing his life in what manner he pleases?.. It is the essence of freedom that each man shall do whatever he likes without injury to others.

copyright. manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Pathway to Concious Leadership

I want to buy a car but I do not want to train as a mechanic to achieve the goal.
Speaking in the community hall or the church on the hill to a congregation on Sunday easily found on the local map.
Internet technology the question is how does one navigate to a clear pathway to have ones message heard or read.
Conscious leadership is as important on Internet as standing in the community hall or church. Information is the experience of what one reads and sees. The ordinary person surfing the Internet wave how does one find the ‘local community hall’ ‘church’ or common community?
The old saying ‘the world is your oyster’ mankind has opened the oyster shell and there sits the pearl called technology.

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Why ask the question?

Anonymous comment "Why ask the Question?":
Anonymous said...
Are we ever confronted with a circumstance? Do "things" ever just happen? What would it take for us to own our own power of creation?Are we not creating all the time and just not being willing to see or acknowledge what we are creating?

What would it take for us to own our own power of creation?
Science is based on mathematical language expressed by metaphors even expressed in poetry to give an explanation to the language. To own our power of creation is to understand EMF electromagnetic force. Applied in engineering, electrical engineering, electromagnetic force is also applied to the question of the laws of attraction or spiritual law.

Are we ever confronted with a circumstance? Circumstances beyond the individual’s control do not just happen; the well being of the ordinary person is reliant by leadership. Conscious leadership dictates yet how conscious are the leaders?

Are we not creating all the time and just not being willing to see or acknowledge what we are creating?
Free will or choice is the creation of the circumstance to complete the enquiry one moves into the area of existentialism.

Myths of Life and the Choices We Have by Clare Mann or for further reference.

Heads of Nations who can show a blind man colours, a deaf man hear when in a box.
Refer to the following article
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Get Out of the Box

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Why ask the Question?

Some people are confronted with a circumstance settling for a conclusion of judgement without asking a question. This is a closed mind that looks for answers to support the conclusion and argue there is no prejudice.

An open mind confronted with a circumstance asks many questions before any conclusion of judgement.

The closed mind is the one that gives the tailor the cloth to make a suit, without giving any fitting or measurements, then complains when the suit is made that it does not fit.

What was the expectation?.

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Holding Hands with Father Time

Dear Old Father Time. When was time not time, when there was no measure but quiet changes smooth as accurate perfection in whatever life form. Time was never not there, just not observed or measured.

Measured time surfaced from quiet observation in sunlight. Finger of the sun casting shadows measured by a thinking Babylon priest. A disk with markings carved in brass. The first sun dial. An obelisk stood tall and over 'time' after almost endless observations by careful measurement the year was divided by the sun not seasons. The sun cast the shadow of the obelisk into three hundred sixty-five and one-fourth "suns" or known today as days.

The seasons became attached to time in progress so did man in every movement. Craftsmanship is time. Time today is lost. Where did dear Old Father Time go?. Time is so measured there is no more time and craftsmanship left behind in the race for time.

A wise man holds the hands of Father Time and makes time.

Whatever the wise man chooses that is 'real time'.

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Connected Navigation

Connected Navigation.What is connected navigation?.

Navigation into today's modern world reaches beyond sea,land and sky. The navvy who dug the navigation canals for goods to be delivered from across the country (England) to London in direct competition to the rising strengths of rail. The name navvy was the nick-name to the worker digging the navigation canals. It's purpose a logical connection between point A and point B.

How does this relate to us today?. What is connected navigation?. Computer technology?. Navigation is expressed as a physical action around programs on the computer. An assumed logical connection between point A and point B.

Unlike the fixed positions of the stars, longitude or latitude to Greenwich time, or canals (roads) fixed on land, navigation on the computer becomes a mine-field of technical illogical connections. Has it become too hard, too technical. Does one need to be an aircraft engineer to fly a plane. It is said man cannot fly. Man can fly. Mankind's logical reasoning a physical creation built aeroplanes , where man can sit, eat dinner and fly.

The art work demonstrated on the video as one watches there is instant navigation, connection and recognition of the beautiful objects. How did one navigate to achieve this?. What point is A to achieve B.

When does free to navigate become cost to connect. Philosophically the question is what tools are available for connected navigation without having to be an expert in a specific technical field.

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Power of intuition

What do you lose if you do nothing.What do you lose if you do do something. Intuition is the minds guide. Intuition the lantern casting light in a dark tunnel. The way will be shown to the brave who do do something taking that step of faith. This is courage.

The humble man's voice of angles forever enduring. Because of his courage he is indeed a King.

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber.

Conscious Leadership

What is conscious leadership.? Reasoning philosophy in practice. The science of the mind metapsychology, metapsychical law in action. The thought has to be there. The action is the step towards structure which takes attention. In civil law there is 'due diligence' meaning to scrutinise, review,to look, so is the act of conscious leadership.

Attention to detail. The cynosure of all eyes on the path to the end result for the greater good for man-kind of all race colour and creed.

L'esperance est songe d'un homme eville Fr Prov - to quote the ancients "Hope is the dream of a man's awake." It is properly called a dream, because it is allied , not with judgment, but with imagination.

Expressed imagination is asking the question, " What is possible, what are the possibilities."?

Holding hands with possibilities is responsibility, walking the path of life, the pathway named expectations.

It is a matter of conscious choice, Et mihi res,non me rebus, sumittere conor. Hor. - "I endeavour to make circumstances submit to me, not to submit myself to circumstances." This line describes very strongly a mind where firmness and vigour are united.

So is the principle of free choice and conscious leadership.

copyright manatthe coalface. mhazledine-barber

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Question ? Tent Cities failing Economy

Ask the question of a circumstance. Consider the expectations. What is the purpose of life, what is the expectation. Purpose is the circumstance. Free will the choice. Application to the circumstance. Circumstances that are forced upon man-kind, can ask the question of application tools available to change. Change is the effort of conscious awareness of any given circumstance.
Ask the question what is the expectation of any circumstance considered.

Quote TerEnce

"It is a great error, according to my opinion, in those that believe that a government is more firm, or more assured, when it is supported by force, than when it exists by kindness and voluntary obedience." -- In governments, which exist by the mere effects of force and violence, there can be no certainty of duration. "

Vox popouli, vox Dei -- "The voice of the people is the voice of God."

When tent cities litter the landscape, children play in the dirt, hunger walks alongside as a shadow, yet the country is indeed rich - look for the thief.

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Figure by Llew Summers

Figure by sculptor Llew Summers sat still, arm behind her head, the other casual on the hip, naked breasts, said not a word. Her beauty alone said it all. Sculptors hands cast loving care each curve a conversation within itself. The therapists talk the ears hear ?


Flower pot minds
with dandelion
sitting under storm
clouds of
cigarette smoke.

Dedication to A & J Jack

cpoyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine.barber

Monday, February 25, 2008

Purpose of Life - Meaning of Life

Purpose of life what is it? Meaning of life what is it? Two questions with absolute definite answers yet entwined like a vine climbing the side of a building .

Meaning of life is the theory, thought of circumstances surrounding the individual.

Purpose of life is the intention the individual puts into action, either changing the circumstances surrounding the individual by their choice, or overcoming by mental thought an attitude beyond circumstances out of ones control.

Mankind has free will, every man has freedom. What is freedom?. Freedom no matter the circumstances every man is free to think, that's the meaning, the purpose is how the thoughts are put into action if a man is free or imprisoned by those thoughts.

No man knows what another man thinks until it is either put into action or expressed. This improves quality, or changes the individuals circumstances, changes laws or social structure reflecting the meaning of life and it's purpose, in every race colour and creed.

copyright manatthecoalface mhazledine-barber.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Wounds and value of.

What are wounds ? Wounds of regret, wounds of fear, wounds of looking back, wounds of delay. Wounds are getting over difficulties. The value of difficulties is what one learns from the challenge. Those that slide into inertia or try to avoid difficulties either learn nothing or decay.
In business fear has a high price, it comes about disguised in an overcoat called procrastination . It causes timidity, lack of decision, lack of accurate knowledge ,weakness of will, by those who fear personal change.

Fear is caused by misuse of imagination and regrets are caused by misuse of memory.
Imagination and memory are there to help not hurt. If the imagination is strong and positive it will show the soul possibilities. If the memory is strong and positive it will show the soul past success. Such is the value of difficulties.

In business dare to invest in learning, from books, from others in fields of knowledge that give leverage, there is no shame in not knowing something, there is shame in inertia. Learn from possibilities offered, listen to what is being taught, be prepared to back your idea and structure have the nerve to invest.

Knowledge from others is not a personal attack, if it was Henry Ford would not have built his cars.

copyright manatthecoalface mhazledine-barber

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Get Out of the Box

Get out of the box, … A Roman soldier from Ceaser’s Legion lay next to a French soldier from Napoleons’ Waterloo, who lay next to a German soldier of the 1st World War, embraced by a British soldier whose hand lay gently on the shoulder of a Russian soldier of the 2nd World War, the US Marine lay quietly beside with a book in his hand Titled the US Civil War North and South , an airman from New Zealand sat in his bi-plane, wing tipped to the Fokker, the Spitfire facing the de Havilland Gnome, sitting by the wheel a Polish airman, the Italian soldier crouched by the Scottish soldier holding his bagpipes, a 1st World War German soldier hands held a cross, lightly on the chest of the Jewish boy soldier from Britain, whose father lay in desert sands next to warriors of Great Arab Nations, the French Foreign Legionnaire hands by his side, the Egyptian soldier lay beside him holding a Turkish sword with a quiver of the Romans, Knights on the chessboard with the Knights armour resting in Mongolian tents where lay a soldier from Greece holding Plato’s writing , within the depths lay the Navy Captain of the Japanese Navy with the Russian seaman, beside the airman from Japan with the Australian soldier of the 2nd World War, like a folded rose petal over the Cossack from St Petersburg holding sheet music of Tea by Tchaikovsky (Chinese Dance) the pilgrim next to the Indian beside the Bombay Grenadier quietly by the Chiefs of the Pacific, the Spanish soldier with the Cuban revolutionary who lay beside the Portuguese, the fleets tall masted ships anchored below the waves of the sea, the jeeps quiet as red poppies grow, white crosses cross the land the Chinese Boxer Army, still , stone Chinese stone photograph stand quiet in line beneath the land the Wall has crossed, dusty layers trickle down the shoulders of the Korean soldier brushing the South African Boar War soldier peaceful beside the Zulu warrior who sat beside the pilgrim, holding out a book to the sleeping Palestine soldier sitting beside the soldier from Israel holding the helmet of red plume of the Roman soldier, whose hand stretched out to the gentle Gurkha , whose curved sword embraced the soldier of Iraq, who lay shoulder to shoulder to the soldier from Iran, whispering to the ghosts of Hiroshima looking East above the ground the silence of Chernobyl city, to bury the metal in great caves underground for thousands of years what soldier has a mind, who lay next to the soldier with sticks and stones of the 4th World War beside the airman of the 3rd World War, melted white crosses and red poppies grow, the Irish soldier with his fiddle lay still on the rock , beside the sailor and airman interlocked, all good men, all race colour and creed lay, still families bleed, soldiers lay still on a thin veil of transparency, Heads of Nations who can show a blind man colours, a deaf man hear when in a box.

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Monday, February 11, 2008

Broken Arm

Broken arm is fixed up at the hospital. Then there is the broken mind. Or broken spirit.

The broken arm needs the doctor, so does the mind. The spirit needs a metaphysician so where does the "therapist” fit in?

Psychiatric is the mind, the mechanics. Nuts and bolts, the psychology are human "I feel” The relationship between “I feel", the mind and spirit the ancients recognized this of how what one thinks manifest itself.

What is the real contribution of the therapist do they offer tools that a person carry through the daily life in an ever changing horizon. Tools an ordinary human can carry implementing a positive harvest of their garden in life.

Existentialism, metaphysical laws are the doctors as the doctor for the broken arm.

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Friday, February 8, 2008

The Light Switch

The light switch is turned on there is light. That is the expectation. Expectation in a human being is like the light switch, one does not need to understand, yet understand there are variables. Being consciously aware of the variables brings positive results to the expectation. Self responsibilty is refining the results of the expectation, behaving accordingly.

Self responsibilty evokes refinement of wisdom, judgement, balance, questioning, evaluating on the foundation of metaphysical law.

The question of free will is a question of choice, the heart of self responsibilty. Human exercise of control over their actions and decisions.

The law of the ancients, a law of Hermes Trismegistus.

Look to yourself. The question is what is the expectation, the mental seive of the mind , consciously aware of results, if none is the question reinvention.

Look at the laws and practice in daily life. "Keep the heart ( or imagination ) with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life." (Proverbs 4;23 )

copyright manatthecoalface mhazledine.barber

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

All Roads lead to Rome

What a wonderful saying. All roads lead to Rome, or is it meant to be all roads lead to God.?

Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, all walk to God on different roads, the principles are the same, metaphysical law is the same, the exisitentialism the same but all different.

Extremists and fundamentalists walk in the muddy ditch of life, wearing boots of a fallen angel, casting aside the principles bringing the jailer of cruelty, ridgid constrains, eyes that see inward but blind to the outside. Slaves imprisoned.

The leaders empowering selfishly themselves by disempowering others, like a bug on the tree, the locusts in the field abundant with life.

The law of love embraces all race colour and creed.
Wisdom, understanding, power, knowledge of the same in difference on the road to Rome should be celebrated and embraced.

Transparency is the window of life, no man stands in the same position as the other therefore the perspective is different but the garden of God is the same.

So all roads lead to Rome the soldier pondered or is it really all roads lead to God.?

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

The Garden in the Mind

Combining Metaphysical Law and Existentialism principles is like a gardener tending a plot of land. Intelligently cultivated or if allowed to run wild so is the result.

Dividing the word "Intelligently" = "Intel" = the sphere of thought that reaches into the soul and extends beyond therefore "you reap what you sow"

Useless, impure thoughts are like an uncultivated garden running wild with weeds.

Gentle, = The act of being gentle is that one of care, delicate calm. moderate, tranquil as seen in many acts of cultures and religion.

Pure thoughts like the gardner culitvating the garden with intelligent thought produces flowers and fruits.
So is the mind.

The greatest gardens are those of the sage, prophet, dreamers, sculptor , artist. teacher or preacher, poet. Endurng for all mankind.

Remember the oak tree sleeps in the acorn, the bird in the egg.

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Monday, February 4, 2008

Industrial Footprints

What is industry. Energy input to a product designed for public reception in the desire for success. Success measured by reward. Reward the measure of cost, production and energy spent surplus enough for continum plus reward for those workers, or those involved who bought the product to fruition and the market.

An idea in action requires structure. Timing and if required structrual solutions. Everything has a risk, reckless risk or passion is a solution not thought through . Calculated risk is risk with structural solutions.

Question how committed are you. Your idea requires commitment. Not involvement, consider bacon and eggs. The hen is involved the pig is committed.

Irrespective if your industry is the same as some-one elses what makes yours different, what is the competitive edge.

In other words simply put, footprints of industry are you stepping into the footprints that are already there and if so, what impression have you left?

Or did the impression stand out as creating the reward desire thats aimed for.

Expectations . The wisdom if the the returns are not what was expected , what part of the structure from the launch pad was overlooked or ignored.? Metaphysical law applies in industry and the captains of industry need to be conciously aware.

copyright manatthecoalface mhazledine-barber

Friday, February 1, 2008

Different - Social Apartheid

Different, disabled, intellecutal handicapped, genetic disorder, if it is broke, do we have to fix it? Do we necessarily need to "solve" it.

If the disability is something damaged or broken through whatever cause that needs fixing, solving, what value are the human beings with the impairment does society place on them.

Why fix something that is not broke, are these human beings just different to the "norm" whose contribution to life is as valuable as any other human being.

What can the "norm" learn from those impaired? Instead of social apartheid the differences should be embraced, nutured and supported.

Human dignity should be offered to all those with impairments, disabilities, society offers "poor pathetic, sad, tradgic." view a token of charitable support. Divide or socially cull.

Diversity of the human condition colours the tapestry of the world. The "broke" human being is perfect, what is perfection? Perfection is absolute as imperfection is perfect in absolute, unique. All humans are, human beings just being human.

Metaphysical law on courage, strength, is demonstrated in action in everyday life by the "broke" human being. Impairment approaches life with extraordinary skill , navigation, and creation.

If the value of technology, social apartheid is overlooking the inherent dignity of human life hiding or screening out impairment/disabilty are we not screening/hiding the quintessential human.

Impaired, disabled, intellectual handicapped, are not " poor, pathetic, sad or tragic, " yet rich in courage persistence, focus, and fortitude. Social contstraints around this should be freed, celebrated and supported in every way as these human beings so richly deserve.

copyright. manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


In business what is preparation . How robust is the preparation. In metaphysical law the ancients called it digging your ditches. A farmer tills the soil to plant corn, corn is returned, if he tills the soil plants carelessly and plants deadly nightshade he gets deadly nightshade in return and not corn. Be aware of the seasons, in other words timing, the seasons of the business world.

Preparation the corner stone , the foundation of business whatever business one is in. Sustainability of a business comes from solid foundation. Once sitting in the cotton field sat a boll weevil, the farmer challenged the boll weevil. " Nothing is a problem, just a challenge looking for a home" replied the boll weevil.

Face the challenges, let go the past, bless the future , live fully the now. Whatever the challenge, break it down to manageable sizes. Hence one step at a time.

Focus on the direction, no ship sets sail without setting the course and compass. The point of being in business is profitability, profits gives you choices.

An accountant once said. " It was not raining when Nohah built the Ark, the Ark was built by amateurs and the Titanic was built by professionals." Take the opportunity to listen to top advisers, but take control, take responsibility and make your business work.

Be not like "shuffling the deck chairs on the Titanic" Faith and Hope are not accounting data but preparation ( planning ) in action, essential oil to the wheel as profit ( money ) is essential to move the business forward and is the second best thing to oxygen.

Money is a means of transaction, as was 1lb of flour for 1lb of salt. Rejoice the energy in business given out, rejoice in the return to enable choices.

copyright. manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Communication under the umbrella of the metaphysical law is essential as the heart beat in any living soul. Mankind for the 21st century communication speed is almost instant, with the technology available.

The conveyor of good news or information is readily welcomed, so should the conveyor of news that is perceived as bad news or information. As the law for giving and receiving is the principle behind life in action. Giving out and receiving.

What is the law of giving and receiving. Giving out whatever it is whatever the purpose it will return. Some through foolish pride or negative reasoning when receiving for example will refuse a gift thereby blocking the channel of the law. Freely you have given freely you shall receive. Be gracious.

Unwelcoming news should be blessed, do not hide from it. Like Daniel stood in the den with the lions, walk up to your fears and they will be stilled. Demand of money, demand of a business situation, demand of a domestic situation, give love and bless the situation giving it love.

Face the lions of your day with love in your heart, do not hide. Be open to communicate, answer the letter, answer the question, state your views.

Communication is how you serve the waking world, ask "who do you serve fear or faith?"

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Justice what role does it play in Life today?

The ancient Greek word for "just" depending on the context , it can mean honest, legally correct, obligated, fair, pious, equity, punishment, to name a few possibilities.

Plato views on justice was integrity. Plato's answer to the question of justice "Why should I be a person of integrity"

Integrity meaning being whole and the many possibilities to name a few , four corners, wholeness, Alpha and Omega , integrality, like those that pursue physical fitness integrity is the psychological counterpart.

Psychological integration or integrated life is one of whole and justice. Metaphysical law applied or existentialism is the key to understanding justice, integration, the psychological health part of the human being , contributing to the whole human being.

Health and well being to the soul, when one says disease, break it down to dis - ease, when part of the whole human being is at ill- of -ease psychologically, physically, soul and the psychiatric components break down. Life itself moves in it's own court active constantly for justice and integrity.

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Friday, January 25, 2008

Shadow Behind the Door

Shadow Behind the Door. Criss-cross filtered sun light struggled through the wires of an unbreakable window reflecting like strips of golden paper on the wall of the dark cell.

Shadow Behind the Door played noughts and crosses on the golden paper. Standing naked in the challenge of the dark cell. Challenge to survive. Challenge to keep the mind alert interested in life. Although life itself seemed a distant memory stolen by the robbers of the night.

Shadow Behind the Door finished the game crouched in the corner a tiny physical ball to keep warm. Midday sun floods the dark cell with strong broken light Shadow Behind the Door stands bathing in it's warmth imagining standing in a golden cloak of loving warmth.

Rising above Engineer Punishment , Shadow Behind the Door develops Pavlovian responses . Shadow Behind the Door kind to the dog , understanding, Engineer Punishment recklessly stealing time , the right to privacy, right to communicate, right to be informed, right to legal advice, right to visits, the right not to be treated in a cruel, inhumane degrading manner, or punished in a way that was cruel disproportionate severe treatment that was excessive enough to shock the communal conscience by it's extreme nature.

Fiduciary Duty sat at the gate of the mental institution without a care. Hippocratic Oath fought to get in and break free Shadow Behind the Door to take flight to a affordable place of sanctuary, afford to be free , a place of free choice.

The day was won and Shadow Behind the Door free . Dark Cell follows ringing the bell of incarceration Shadow Behind the Door retreats to being inside out.

Scales of Justice tightened her blindfold as Shadow Behind the Door shows the book of questions how does one measure human pain, physical, psychological, psychiatric. How to give back a life-time robbed.

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


The woman is a psychologist, author, management consultant, existential psychotherapist.

Existential psychotherapy is a form of therapy a corner stone in philosophy more than psychology. Law of the mind.

Metaphysical law is a form of spiritual law of science present and absence science.
In the mixing bowl of life are all these laws.

Myths enter life, people identify to language that identifies spaces and places. The woman who is the psychologist, author, management consultant, existential psychotherapist roams globally with work/life balance living a full free life by choice appears to be outside the normal operation of a successful business.

To satisfy some enquiry to those of no conscience awareness of the myths of life they actually live in, to demonstrate by language the word Sabbatical is used. That is a word that one relates to and fits nicely in the mental box. Comfortable. Take it out of the box and examine the woman mentioned what part of your life have you set goals, objectives, the question is, is this a destination or a journey.?

Pressure to achieve goals, objectives , often lead to mental crushing defeat, understanding all laws integrating them by application to your life making it a journey. Be consciously aware of the myths of life that one lives with. No goal or objective, not reached is not a failure however a success . For what is not meant to be will vanish, what is meant to be will appear.

Understanding, work/life balance, integration, existential laws, metaphysical law, spiritual law.
A handbook as a daily travelling companion " The Myths of Life and the Choices We Have " by Clare Mann plus her many other works, an extension for her Sabbatical life , freely gives you a front door step back into your life. Once home cuddle up to the warm embers of your mental fireplace .

You have eyes do not be blind, you have ears do not be deaf.

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine.barber


A fat man sat at a huge table, filled with food he gorged on, crumbs on the floor. A man with a starving family crawled in and stole the crumbs. Which one is the thief?

A man works hard but his pay for an honest weeks work does not cover the basics of life to support his family, who is the thief .?

Thieves of time, of reward, of life, the robbers along the highway of life. A country with law, upholding the law, if the metaphysical law of conscience awareness of treating the work-force
an honest weeks work for an honest weeks pay that cares for the family, the extension of that principle, items purchased that supports business.

Rob the man, rob the business. Robs the country.

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine.barber.

Sir Edmund Hillary's Passing

Aluminium Cans

Silver grey, corrosion-resistant,
Coke can,
Saw a man with hammer in
Small girl without arms
Patiently waited.
Nepal hills quiet
Resting land,
Patiently waited.
Father passed by on the road to heaven,
Old oxygen bottles fashioned into bells,
Rang farewell.
Aluminium cans.

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledinebarber

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Value of Philosophical Quotes/Sayings

Any traveller of life who listens will hear philosophical quotes or sayings from teachers of life. That is from the philosopher or the counsel sought or the psychologists.

What is the importance of these such things. ? A story , quote or saying to the thinker is thought provoking. The meaning behind. The purpose of how to put in action, or demonstration of the ordinary day for example. " For all the work, at the end of the day there is always the laundry" or " The river cannot move the mountain, but a drop of water can." Solomon said ; "With all you are getting, get understanding.", Understanding is the spiritual law, metaphysical law in action. Heremes Trismegistus said several thousand years ago, " To change your mood you must change your vibrations." Today it is said " Paradigm, Mental Shift, being Positive, etc."

The saying "Be careful for what you wish for" Be aware of the spoken word as it will return. Be consciously aware of thought, the spoken word and actions in the day so is the wise man.

Once upon a time two monks were sent from the monastery to a city far away. One monk was elderly and considered very wise, the other monk young, learning and eager. Part of their strict vows was that they never talk or touch a woman.

On the long journey through fields, forests ,using the staff each had to lean on or push back the bush, they came across a raging river they had to cross however the bridge had been washed away. Testing the depth and speed of the river with their staff the decision was made to cross and continue the journey to the city.

As the younger monk proceeded to wade into the river, he and the older monk heard weeping. Looking up the river bank saw a young woman with a small girl child. The woman with the small girl child approached the monks begging to be carried across the river to get home as there was no other way across and dangerous to attempt alone.

The young monk ignored the woman and girl child, crossed the river, upon looking back to his surprise saw the old monk balancing himself with care crossing the river with the small girl child in one arm and the woman on his back. When the old monk reach the safety of the other side, he put down the young girl child and woman, without a word continued his journey to the city.

Many miles later the two monks had walked in silence however the young monk boiled with confusion and anger. The old monk had broken his vows, how dare he. Finally the young monk unable to contain his feelings any longer with anger vented them to the old monk.

"How could you carry that woman and girl child "

" I carried God, is God not all things,? it is you that has carried the woman and girl child, they are still on your back, I left God on the river bank."

"Explain that !!" The older monk with a twinkle in his eye replied " I will tell you a story, a young monk just like you was once on a journey, walking along the road on a wonderful warm sunny day, he heard a voice.

Startled he asked, Who are you Voice, Voice said, "I am God", Where are you God enquired the young monk looking around. Voice said, "You are God, I am God in all livings things" Excited the young monk half listening and not being wise skipped along the road shouting to all that could hear him 'I am God."

On the same road a while later an elephant was coming towards the young monk. The driver sitting on top of the elephant called out to the young monk in the middle of the small road "Out of the way, move over" Hmm thought the young unwise monk why should I move I am God. Approaching, the driver, of the elephant, again yelled at the monk to get out of the way. The young monk held his path as the elephant came closer, the young monk stood steadfast in the middle of the road. The elephant wrapped his trunk around the young monk and threw him unceremoniously into the dusty ditch at the side of the road. Shaken and cross at the elephants actions the young monk stood up, yelled at the elephant "How dare you I am God' The elephant turned his head and quietly said "So am I, you should have listened''

Voice quietly spoke through the dust " I am God, you are God, God is in all things , wisdom is listening, respect, seeing God in all things."

copyright. manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Saturday, January 19, 2008


To quote " We trained hard, but it seemed that every time we were beginning to form up into teams we would be re-organised. I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new situation by re-organising, and a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress while only producing confusion, inefficiency, and demoralisation."

Petronius Arbiter, AD 66

Captains of industry expectation of the work force is the production of that industry. Production creates sales that create profit for the continuuum of that industry, with return to the share-holder.

Training of the work force in any given industry what is the purpose.? For the worker is it like as quoted above. ?

Shifting the paradigm encapsulate the whole human being, intergration of work-life. How well is the man at the coal face rewarded. If those at the top of the ladder forget to care for those on the bottom rungs the ladder will surely crumble.

copyright. manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Friday, January 18, 2008


Wisdom, that of the wise, wisdom alone is a science of all other science and of itself. Wisdom is the science of science and the science of the absence of science.

Hind-sight, is wisdom looking backwards. Being wise after the event.

Science is the intellectual practical activity systematically encompassing the study of any structure, behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

Absence science is wisdom looking forward. Metaphysical Law is the science applied of knowledge ( wisdom) to the now, from knowledge past to looking forward. Belief is having faith . Faith is the science of the wise looking forward.

A wise Man knows himself and be able to examine what he knows and does not know. See what others know and do not know. This is knowledge. The arm of scientific law that is in all things.

How is it applied? procedure, what happens? process , what does it look like? it is the structure, what is it? it is the concept, what are the rules? principle applied, what are the facts? facts, what kinds are there? classification . What is this?, knowledge.

copyright . manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Disappointment, what does this really mean. Expectations not realised. Expectations of others create the disappointment. The question is where does the expectations come from. From ones own self. Expectations of others come in a variety of ways, for example setting a task for a work colleague who does not fulfill the task to your expectation. Disappointed.

To avoid disappointment is to realise the only expectations are within yourself of your own behaviour, taking self responsibility, knowing you are not responsible for some-ones else's action, success or failure. Your life is but a contribution.

Disappointment is a perception of expectations, man-kind asleep , Adamic dreaming man on the tree of illusion.

The awakened man guards thoughts of one condition the condition of good, positive and never disappointed, a superconscious awake , sharp as a surgeons knife understanding the true meaning 'as one door closes another one opens, the one that opens, nail back'

copyright manatthecoalface -mhazledine-barber

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


The Latin from 'donare' to give. from 'donum' to gift. Why does donation, gift, give, a contribution, play such an important role in life . It is metaphysical law in action.

Choosing to act in such a way is the art of 'to give , is to receive'. There are many reasons to why one gives and to what. An act of love, an act of support to a good cause.

Donation is expressed in many ways, a helping hand up, giving time and energy, or sharing wealth as in money. Whatever the contribution the benefits are the free choice to support the structure of life one believes in. The reward is the continued existence of that structure. A charitable act that benefits mankind.

If one gives it will return, not maybe in what was given, however being conscious of the metaphysical law, look at your life for the gifts you have received.

Receiving is a gift, the art of being joyful in what you receive as this is the metaphysical law in action. Balancing of the scales of what was given. Reflect on the statue The Scales of Justice. So is life.

copyright manatthecoalface - mhazledine-barber

Time standing still

Daisen comment. Article Cause and Effects. " How can one take time and stand still? What if time is an illusion? If so can we ever be still or are we all-ways still? Maybe it is just choice? "

Answer ; Time Standing Still

The question 'How can one take time and stand still' for every question there is an answer for every answer there is a question. As it has been for all time. The measure of man kind called progress. Standing still in time, what is standing still?

What if time is an illusion? if so can we ever be still or are we always still. Maybe it is just a choice?

Time is an illusion, there is no time, time is a calculated event by man to measure through the seasons for planting, growing, new life and winter the rest. To stand still is the stepping out of today's time set by mankind of visual reality by watches, clocks etc to the micron second... stand still allowing your mind and body rest without time. If we were always still nothing would move, it is a fine line in asking the question and living in removed sense of reality. The question could be you living in the question which is your existence.

Stand by your car, stand on the beach, sit on the park bench, watch , listen to the world around you be consciously aware of the universe conversation. Just do not look at your modern day watch.

The ancients once said...and believed ( faith) all mental states were accompanied by vibrations...
What are you listening to, listening is not just with your ears, listen to your mental state some call it intuition or a hunch. The best time to hear is when you sit quietly still.

Now is the appointed time. Today is the day for your amazing good fortune. Stand still.

It is your choice.. your state of consciousness.

copyright manatthecoalface - mhazledine-barber

Monday, January 14, 2008

Cause and Effects

For every action there is a reaction, or every cause has its effects, every effect has its cause, everything happens according to law.

What is Chance? Did a situation happen by chance? Chance is but a name for the law not recognized. Chance is being unconscious to the movement of existence. Existentialism a philosophical theory which emphasises the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent. A free and responsible agent is consciously aware that there is choice and by choosing the cause there is an expectation of resultant effect.

What is the law? Metaphysical law , the unseen law that lives beside you everyday. In your spoken word and deeds. There are many levels of causation but nothing escapes the law.

The understanding of the opening line applied to your everyday takes wisdom and discipline.

Stop and think, in other words take time to stand still. Standing still lets the mind rest gently weigh up your thoughts, that will bring you to a fork in the road. Choose one and let the other go.

copyright manatthecoalface - mhazledine-barber

By way of donation any comments will be answered.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Metaphysical Law

Metaphysical Law, how does this play a role in your life. Metaphysics is the wisdom of ancients. There should be a chair in all schools / university's to study this. It is as important today as it was centuries ago. However over time philosophy shrouded by a blanket of theology the art of metaphysical law became swallowed in the dark halls of obscurantism.

Biblical quote of "do not cast the pearls before the swine" holds a wealth of wisdom associated to the word secret. A word seen today over and over in advertising, books all claiming "Discover the Secret" what is the secret. What happened to the hermetic seal of philosophy. Thrown open before the "swine" no longer a secret as it was for many of the ancients embattled with theologians. Their way to be the only way , whereas the way is many roads. Hermes Triismegistus from where the Hermetic Seal or secret derives from is the heart of metaphysical law as said in the Kybalion "The lips of wisdom are closed, except the ears of understanding."

It is said " Every cause has its effects; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law" ( The Kydalion)

What is the purpose of being secret. Not casting the pearls before the swine, is it a conscious choice of self responsibility. How does one adopt wisdom, philosophy,theology in everyday life of choices. The fork in the road.

Further dialogue is welcomed. Just email me with your question. By way of a donation (note donation box) a full powerful answer will be returned.

copyright manatthecoalface - mhazledine-barber

Meaning of Life?

Meaning of Life? A question many ask and indeed search for. What does life mean to you. What is your purpose in life is the question. It has been suggested meaning was once given, handed down by our "elders and betters ". Through the ages so it has, a discipline to give order or governance across all race, colour or creed, people accepted, direction and purpose to the individuals lives their contribution within that structure was the meaning of life.. Picasso painting the agony of Spain. Charles Dickens portraying the real England promoting social change, I could write an endless list the point being the artists expression or the writers, is extensions beyond the self, through the works raising conscious awareness.

As a US President stated "Do not ask your country what it can do for you, ask what can I do for my country" in other words be responsible for yourself.

I have a saying "ABC" Action, Behaviour, Consequences. It is your action that is your behaviour therefore it is your consequence. This can be applied in any situation.

The meaning of life is within you, asking the question. We live in a world of great beauty and wealth for all to share if the conscious awareness is raised by the captains of industry/government the face of the workplace changes, social structure for the betterment of mankind. The key is self responsibility that becomes global responsibility giving the meaning to life.

Live in the question for infinite possibilities, if your attitude changes that is positive then things around you change so is the excitement and thrilling act of being human just being consciously aware.

copyright manatthecoalface - mhazledine-barber