Sunday, March 23, 2008

Holding Hands with Father Time

Dear Old Father Time. When was time not time, when there was no measure but quiet changes smooth as accurate perfection in whatever life form. Time was never not there, just not observed or measured.

Measured time surfaced from quiet observation in sunlight. Finger of the sun casting shadows measured by a thinking Babylon priest. A disk with markings carved in brass. The first sun dial. An obelisk stood tall and over 'time' after almost endless observations by careful measurement the year was divided by the sun not seasons. The sun cast the shadow of the obelisk into three hundred sixty-five and one-fourth "suns" or known today as days.

The seasons became attached to time in progress so did man in every movement. Craftsmanship is time. Time today is lost. Where did dear Old Father Time go?. Time is so measured there is no more time and craftsmanship left behind in the race for time.

A wise man holds the hands of Father Time and makes time.

Whatever the wise man chooses that is 'real time'.

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

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