Sunday, March 30, 2008

Why ask the question?

Anonymous comment "Why ask the Question?":
Anonymous said...
Are we ever confronted with a circumstance? Do "things" ever just happen? What would it take for us to own our own power of creation?Are we not creating all the time and just not being willing to see or acknowledge what we are creating?

What would it take for us to own our own power of creation?
Science is based on mathematical language expressed by metaphors even expressed in poetry to give an explanation to the language. To own our power of creation is to understand EMF electromagnetic force. Applied in engineering, electrical engineering, electromagnetic force is also applied to the question of the laws of attraction or spiritual law.

Are we ever confronted with a circumstance? Circumstances beyond the individual’s control do not just happen; the well being of the ordinary person is reliant by leadership. Conscious leadership dictates yet how conscious are the leaders?

Are we not creating all the time and just not being willing to see or acknowledge what we are creating?
Free will or choice is the creation of the circumstance to complete the enquiry one moves into the area of existentialism.

Myths of Life and the Choices We Have by Clare Mann or for further reference.

Heads of Nations who can show a blind man colours, a deaf man hear when in a box.
Refer to the following article
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Get Out of the Box

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Why ask the Question?

Some people are confronted with a circumstance settling for a conclusion of judgement without asking a question. This is a closed mind that looks for answers to support the conclusion and argue there is no prejudice.

An open mind confronted with a circumstance asks many questions before any conclusion of judgement.

The closed mind is the one that gives the tailor the cloth to make a suit, without giving any fitting or measurements, then complains when the suit is made that it does not fit.

What was the expectation?.

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Holding Hands with Father Time

Dear Old Father Time. When was time not time, when there was no measure but quiet changes smooth as accurate perfection in whatever life form. Time was never not there, just not observed or measured.

Measured time surfaced from quiet observation in sunlight. Finger of the sun casting shadows measured by a thinking Babylon priest. A disk with markings carved in brass. The first sun dial. An obelisk stood tall and over 'time' after almost endless observations by careful measurement the year was divided by the sun not seasons. The sun cast the shadow of the obelisk into three hundred sixty-five and one-fourth "suns" or known today as days.

The seasons became attached to time in progress so did man in every movement. Craftsmanship is time. Time today is lost. Where did dear Old Father Time go?. Time is so measured there is no more time and craftsmanship left behind in the race for time.

A wise man holds the hands of Father Time and makes time.

Whatever the wise man chooses that is 'real time'.

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Connected Navigation

Connected Navigation.What is connected navigation?.

Navigation into today's modern world reaches beyond sea,land and sky. The navvy who dug the navigation canals for goods to be delivered from across the country (England) to London in direct competition to the rising strengths of rail. The name navvy was the nick-name to the worker digging the navigation canals. It's purpose a logical connection between point A and point B.

How does this relate to us today?. What is connected navigation?. Computer technology?. Navigation is expressed as a physical action around programs on the computer. An assumed logical connection between point A and point B.

Unlike the fixed positions of the stars, longitude or latitude to Greenwich time, or canals (roads) fixed on land, navigation on the computer becomes a mine-field of technical illogical connections. Has it become too hard, too technical. Does one need to be an aircraft engineer to fly a plane. It is said man cannot fly. Man can fly. Mankind's logical reasoning a physical creation built aeroplanes , where man can sit, eat dinner and fly.

The art work demonstrated on the video as one watches there is instant navigation, connection and recognition of the beautiful objects. How did one navigate to achieve this?. What point is A to achieve B.

When does free to navigate become cost to connect. Philosophically the question is what tools are available for connected navigation without having to be an expert in a specific technical field.

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Power of intuition

What do you lose if you do nothing.What do you lose if you do do something. Intuition is the minds guide. Intuition the lantern casting light in a dark tunnel. The way will be shown to the brave who do do something taking that step of faith. This is courage.

The humble man's voice of angles forever enduring. Because of his courage he is indeed a King.

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber.

Conscious Leadership

What is conscious leadership.? Reasoning philosophy in practice. The science of the mind metapsychology, metapsychical law in action. The thought has to be there. The action is the step towards structure which takes attention. In civil law there is 'due diligence' meaning to scrutinise, review,to look, so is the act of conscious leadership.

Attention to detail. The cynosure of all eyes on the path to the end result for the greater good for man-kind of all race colour and creed.

L'esperance est songe d'un homme eville Fr Prov - to quote the ancients "Hope is the dream of a man's awake." It is properly called a dream, because it is allied , not with judgment, but with imagination.

Expressed imagination is asking the question, " What is possible, what are the possibilities."?

Holding hands with possibilities is responsibility, walking the path of life, the pathway named expectations.

It is a matter of conscious choice, Et mihi res,non me rebus, sumittere conor. Hor. - "I endeavour to make circumstances submit to me, not to submit myself to circumstances." This line describes very strongly a mind where firmness and vigour are united.

So is the principle of free choice and conscious leadership.

copyright manatthe coalface. mhazledine-barber

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Question ? Tent Cities failing Economy

Ask the question of a circumstance. Consider the expectations. What is the purpose of life, what is the expectation. Purpose is the circumstance. Free will the choice. Application to the circumstance. Circumstances that are forced upon man-kind, can ask the question of application tools available to change. Change is the effort of conscious awareness of any given circumstance.
Ask the question what is the expectation of any circumstance considered.

Quote TerEnce

"It is a great error, according to my opinion, in those that believe that a government is more firm, or more assured, when it is supported by force, than when it exists by kindness and voluntary obedience." -- In governments, which exist by the mere effects of force and violence, there can be no certainty of duration. "

Vox popouli, vox Dei -- "The voice of the people is the voice of God."

When tent cities litter the landscape, children play in the dirt, hunger walks alongside as a shadow, yet the country is indeed rich - look for the thief.

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber