Friday, October 10, 2008

Standing on the Sheeps Back

Sheep Overlooking the Pacific: Kaikoura Peninsula, New Zealand

The Marlborough Sounds is where the first sheep landed in New Zealand being sent ashore by Captain Cook. Since that time the sheep has been the back bone of the nation. An amazing animal that has feed and clothed the country and mankind throughout the world. At present New Zealand graze about 40 million of them.

The sheep is a species that not only clothes mankind but feeds mankind. That’s perfect sustainability. From early colonial days when refrigeration was introduced ships left New Zealand packed with valuable cargo's of frozen meat supplying Great Britain in return the investment to New Zealand was the founding blocks of our Nation.

The humble sheep, the living sustainable species the knitting needles of the sheep farmers wives of the nation, who make the best homemade scones lashed with jam and fresh cream, many New Zealanders’ owe these hard working people for the warm woolly jumpers, the Swandri, the socks a combination of wool and seaweed produced in a South Island town called Ashburton,as the country forges ahead on the platform of eco-friendly sustainability.

All off the sheep’s back. There is a great book call 'A Short History of Sheep in New Zealand' by Richard Wolfe. We don't know how lucky we are.

copyright mhazledine-barber manatthecoalface.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

When the World Shivers

When the World Shivers.

The money jars of the world rattle like sabers drawn in battle, as the horses of financial markets thunder across the globe and the world shivers remember the battle may be lost but the war will be won.

The winds blowing are just cooling the markets and shaking down the greedy and punishing those whose speculations by design or error are bought to account.

For the ordinary person in the street called struggle street, the struggle may go on however perhaps this adjustment may well be a spark for a brighter future of wealth sharing of the globe that becomes the betterment for mankind.

From this pile of ashes the phoenix would be the will for mankind to invest solidly into sustainable living versus manufactured dollar chasing throw-away industries. By way of sustainable living the costs lower giving more discretionary spending for the earnings of the worker.

From the financial shocks re-adjustment and change follow the wind that made the world shiver.

Serious questions require serious answers on real issues and all heads of states need a firm hand on the helm of government, have courage to change and offer the people the real will to do so.

copyright mhazledine.barber manatthecoalface.