Monday, September 29, 2008

Does Mankind Survival Depend in Space? or Is Everthing is Possible?

A question posed today was "Does mankind survival depend on exploration/settlement in space" It is such a mess on earth, war,cross cultural tension by every race colour and creed, under utilizing natural resources, abject poverty, disease,

My reply is simple"it may be possible however when you run away from home the one thing you always take is yourself."

For the 21st century at the highest level the thinking and awareness has to change in everything. For all countries so mankind is not reduced to the level of eating rats and toxic vegetation. Hunger is a wild beast that has no mercy. Hunger is not just food, hunger to feel safe, hunger for security of the future generations for our children, hunger comes in many overcoats.

To grow one also needs to reach outside oneself and consider all the possibilities that seek an avenue for the betterment of mankind.

If the world becomes frightened the possibilities can become the veneer on the table top of a 1950's coffee shop. Practical tools, simple steps to live in ones community: wisdom is a key used for the circumstances around one that one may not be able to control.

If the plot of land is taken from one and they are told to grow something to eat, the helplessness is that of the elephant at the end of the rope tied to the stake. Even the strongest become weak.

copyright mhazledine-barber manatthecoalface.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Plato is he relevant today ?

Plato is he relevant today?

To quote from a poet “The good are sometimes good and sometimes bad” But the bad does not become bad he is always bad.

When forces of circumstance overpower a man of resources, skill, and virtue he cannot help but be bad. An honest man becomes the thief?

Is this a good man by forces of circumstance gone bad? It is hard to be good? It is difficult to be good, choose to strive to become good, this is possible, life is right or wrong, left or right, and it is choice. It is impossible to be good.

The descent of a great storm may make the pilot helpless, but the pilot that flies knowingly into a storm without honest evasive action is their consequence.

Financial Band-Aid may protect the wound but the temporary nature is that of the pilot that flies into the storm knowing the consequences.

Modern interpretation by mhazledine-barber of Plato, from The Dialogues of Plato by Jowett.

copyright m.hazledine-barber manatthecoalface.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Productive Investment Consultant

A philosopher, the man at the coal face.
Invest in the philosopher, creative and productive. WHAT WOULD IT TAKE ?

The list below is the wealth of experience, who will invest NZ $20.000.00 to keep this philosopher feed and writing. Potential returns. Hire me.

PNEUMATIC ENGINEERING Allied Pneumatic Co.Ltd Compressed Engineers. Australia. To lecture at seminars Engineering NSW Government, Insurance Council, ICI on practical experience in the field. Adviser-Lecturer-Co-Coordinator – Translator of Industrial Philosophical Rational Investigation of Basic Industrial Disciplines to promote Manufacture Commercial of Industrial Establishment. ELECTRONICS Advanced Production Electronics Auto Insert –Trade Certification Component Identification Surface Mount Technology. FREELANCE JOURNALIST CONTRIBUTIONS AND QUALIFICATION Qualified from New Zealand Institute of Business Studies.2006 Auckland New Zealand. Contributions: Her Business Magazine. Readers Digest Atlantic Press London Poetry Awards. Katherine Mansfield Awards contender. Philosophy. Christchurch Press. Written Short Stories and Poetry. Currently writing a Historical History New Zealand Life 1950 -1980 account of Mental Institutions Reference - Confidential Forum In-Patients of Psychiatric Hospitals. June 2007

copyright m. hazledine-barber manatthecoalface

Investment Two

Investment Two Melt down?

The labor of the philosophical writer for the betterment of mankind is an investment, a potential for creation a product that reflects change, common sense. The compass set fearlessly in a direction on social change.

Change the top

The children in rags in the dump scavenging or homeless on the street look across the railway line at the children in a shanty house. The children in the shanty house look at the children in the nice house, who look at the children in the big house who are well feed and warm on the winter streets of life.

History is a book littered with suffering of all race colour and creed, history is littered with records of mankind’s great achievements and success. Conscious awareness is to look at the exciting history of mankind, learn and take the good.

Then the children of the 21st century in rags in the dump scavenging or homeless on the street would have a nice home over the rail line, the children of the shanty house have a nice home while the children in the big house become part of the community that is well feed and warm on the winter street of life.

Is that not the desire of mankind for their children?

copyright m.hazledine-barber manatthecoalface.

Investment One

Rape Pillage and Plunder

Investment of the hard earned money of the ordinary person today.

The tiles slip off the roofs, the foundations of the economic house collapse leaving the ordinary persons savings as encouraged in 20th century ‘portfolios’, managed funds’ the government steps in bailing out the companies that have mis-managed funds. Give the money to the people who have lost their homes. Let the companies sink and perhaps emerging new companies will have direction that is not fraught with greed, irresponsibility and overpaid golden handshake to those that ruin, rape, pillage and plunder by conscious thought the financial markets, or errors , blunders that the ordinary person in a simple job would be fired. Beware of the money man in the suit.

copyright m.hazledine.barber manatthecoalface.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Change is the cry

History book of lessons learned . The mirror of the past for tomorrow. What is old is new and what is new is old. What have you learned as poetry read and words scatter on the wind

copyright m.hazledine-barber manatthecoalface.


Words written like scattered autumn leaves across the page bound by the solid cover of endurance

The writer writes to deaf ears and poverty knocks

The writer writes and eyes do not see

The ether of words of global connection vaporizes

No-one has time for time fleeting mirrors past years

The nib of the pen is worn

The book is opened yet closed

Weary on the journey the road of dust

Lifelong but short

Scattered words like autumn leaves dancing on the wind

Poverty sits with a grin

Crouch on the side cap in hand

Watches courage struggle on

Courage not sinking in

Every road has its end

Every book needs a friend

copyright m.hazledine-barber manatthecoalface

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Eco Backyard Christchurch NZ

Garden City - NZ Christchurch’s Eco Friendly Back Yard Gardens – Herbalists Heaven

Dr.Li’s recipe of pears cooked in the skin with almonds slices, locally gathered chestnuts, orange peel, sweetened with lumps of ‘iced sugar ‘, (sourced from Asian shops stocking food items). Delivered steaming hot. Clears that congested chest!

Dr Li (of Chinese and Korean origin) in the 1970s’ was compulsory conscripted into the Red Army of China after qualifying as an eye surgeon. Dr Li has resided in New Zealand for about ten years.

Outside the professional practice of being an eye surgeon her knowledge of plants in the garden, as she did in China, as her ancestors did before, as ‘barefoot doctors’ using local herbal remedies. During the Cultural Revolution Mao developed training programs for health as the vast rural areas and farming community were without doctors. Simple medicines for common ailments were sourced where possible in the fields or gardens, anything more serious, if one could, see a trained professional like Dr.Li.

Dr Li introduced me to simple remedies that are easily sourced. Most grow in the back-yard, I had previously left unnoticed, costing nothing but energy and awareness. Dr Li suggests for that eye strain from computers, your eyes become dry, you should blink and look away as constant staring at the computer one tends not to blink, I should eat a lot more greens straight from the ground. Yellow, orange fruit and vegetables are all great to maintain eye health. Dr. Li also said to take some honey each day. I often use honey in cooking when I use high note spices, I still get the full impact of flavor but beautifully rounded. Marmalade, with a teaspoon of honey, especially home-made in hot curries takes the bite from the back of the throat yet still delivers the powered taste of a good curry.

I was to learn chrysanthemum (Botanical name: X dendranthems) had been in cultivation in Asia for over 2000 years and originally grown in China as a herb to give power to life.

Boiled roots used as a headache remedy, the young sprouts and petals were eaten in salads. Lightly bringing the leaves to boil brew a delightful ‘tea’ originally served as a festive drink.

Rhubarb stalks were in my family used in a hot pie accompanied with lashings of whipped cream the latter not so good, being concerned about cholesterol rising. Earliest records date back to 2700 BC in China where Rhubarb was cultivated for medicinal purposes (its purgative qualities). An Asian plant with mysterious cathartic powers, medicinal rhubarb spurred European trade expeditions and obsessive scientific inquiry from the Renaissance until the twentieth century.

Rarely, however, had there been a plant that so thoroughly frustrated Europeans' efforts to acquire it and to master its special botanical and chemical properties. An exotic drink for the summer the recipe is as follows: (note the measurements are in the US measure) being Kiwi I just “chuck” it altogether the eye and taste measure.

8 C. diced rhubarb
5 C. water
5 lumps of ice sugar (buy at Asian shops)
2 C. orange juice
3/4 C. lemon juice
1 Qt. ginger ale or 7-Up -- chilled
1 Qt. fresh or frozen strawberries or excellent canned strawberries from China-- (optional)

Procedure: In saucepan, simmer rhubarb and water until rhubarb is soft. Cool; strain. Measure 4 cups juice and return to saucepan with the sugar. Heat to dissolve sugar. Chill. Add the orange and lemon juices. Just before serving, add ginger ale and strawberries, if desired. Pour over ice.
Rhubarb is 95% water and contains a fair source of potassium, contributes minor amounts of vitamins, and is low in sodium.

Strolling through the back garden I notice growing in abundance parsley, rich in iron and Vitamin C acts as an excellent breath freshener helps maintain skin collagen structures and stimulates the liver.

Blooming with iron, vitamin C, beta carotene, straggling along the back fence, is Watercress living harmony with neat rows of carrots and spinach.

Freshly picked carrots, spinach, parsley, a spoonful of spirulina “the doctors spoonful” nicknamed the

IRON MAIDEN, try the following power pack recipe:
250 g (8 oz) spinach
25 g (1 oz) parsley
250 g (8 oz) carrot

Juice spinach, parsley, carrot, stir briskly in the teaspoon of spirulina drink a power pack of folic acids, chlorophyll and spirulina properties of vitamin B12.
The wood pigeons love the plum trees scattered around. Remind me of Lancaster Bombers taking off as they finish gorging on the plums. (Painted by L Taylor South Island)

Those bunches of chives were interesting, used to aid stimulating appetite. Dandelions, oozing with copper and iron, in amongst the flowers and roses, good for that high blood

Hanging over the back fence Feijoas, (introduced into New Zealand in the 1920`s.)
The New Zealand season runs from late March to June. In some countries the feijoa is called "pineapple guava". Great in the blender with Greek honey yoghurt, soy milk. I realize pondering over my healthy back yard drink looking at my bagful of chestnuts to cook up with the pear recipe, magic gardens, who needs the little pills in a plastic bottle. I have red and green cabbages for kings! Recipes for iron maidens, or Queens, who skip meals in a hurry to “do life.”

Dr Li tells me in New Zealand we have an herbalist’s heaven. I look at her crouched busy weeding, tending plants of the winter garden, I am left amazed at what a wealth of simple goodness that grows in the back yard or around the city I had not realized.

copyright marie hazledine-barber manatthecoalface.

Canvas Painting of your Life

Canvas painting of life is a reflection of the actions taken on a daily base. Failure can be the beginning of great success. That is because the individual recognizes and is consciously aware of “change” It is the change that brings about the success. Failure is a gradual event, a series of errors in judgment repeated every day.

The success of the individuals’ future rests on the actions of today.

If the pathway is not reaping benefits that better mankind, to be stuck in pride not changing the course of action, then clearly the future is easily determined by the reflections of today.

It is easy to be caught up with events of the day placing importance on that moment without the thinking through for the future. That is the art of mental discipline and common sense. Become consciously aware of the formula for success, regarding actions of the moment, are the consequences for tomorrow.

copyright marie.hazledine-barber manatthecoalface.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Engineering Drive

Keep looking for how things can be done better; keep experimenting on the fringe being the Captain Cook in industry. If you find advisers difficult it may mean you have good advisers.

The courage to go to battle the advisers are focused seeing it is even more important to win the war, if something is outside the field one should be confident to pull in another point view. Listen and above all take time, be observant.

Remember it is temper that drives most into trouble and pride that keeps one there. Knowledge is investment and being alert of where that knowledge arrives from, is it through books or the man at the coal face with years of experience who can see the unseen and feel what most cannot feel?

copyright marie hazledine.barber manatthecoalface.

Does Eco History Matter?

Philosophical views considered in metaphysical law “the looking back – or over the shoulder “is not the way forward. However in the ever changing weather and severity does this global world need to look at construction for humans to survive the living status on their particular environment?

Taxing and wielding Carbon Credits does not stop the world’s weather pattern, but being consciously aware of this phenomenon; with hands on investment for the communities of sound building, food, water, and supplies should one be faced with weather trauma, earth or sea.

The will of nations that can be the row-boat of survival may well do to consider history.

copyright Marie Hazledine-Barber manatthecoalface.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Eco Change - Vanessa Collingridge

To quote “One must get people to dance first then change the music” what an inspired thought. Inspiration today comes from my meeting Vanessa Collinridge (Wikipedia or Google look her up) an extraordinary woman who walks the talk. Vanessa jumped off the replica ship the Endeavour (original sailed into the unknown searching for the new world by Captain Cook) in the middle of the ocean swimming around with a rifleman up the mast watching for sharks, looking back to the Endeavour of how incredible it was for the men that sailed in the original in the 1700 and especially Captain Cook his focus and ability to see what could not be seen. To feel what could not be felt.

A New Zealander named Lord Geering wrote a book called “What is Christianity without God” this important New Zealander and his many books I learned, the Christian view, Muslim, and other ancients said the world would be Global 1. They are right we are at global one. Irrespective of race colour or creed the internet has roped the world in a new era as one. Perhaps the ancients thought, was a world coming together totally in peace, harmony, sharing etc.

As Vanessa Collingridge demonstrates through her books, history is exciting, especially the people that broke through barriers of social cast, romance era, to where we stand today this new era of discovery beyond self. We have the knowledge of change, the tools to change, however the will to get people to dance so we can play the music, change and inspiration as with history and lessons learned we need to be a Captain Cook within ourselves first. The courage to do so like Vanessa Collingridge.

copyright marie hazledine-barber manatthecoalface.