Friday, June 13, 2008

Swing of Life Compass

Social networking in the virtual world presents new questions of how does psychology and conscious leadership meet in a positive way considering the future potential of an increasing virtual world on this level. How does one view the quality of ‘friendship’ and the fine line of professionalism?

Philosophy ancient and new what part does it play in the potential of the growing virtual world and how it effects the world s communication skills. What is the cost to the human being in time, in the space of time and the monetary cost? Information shared and your image ever embedded in this world, how aware are you of the tools of disciplines required.

What change are you looking for, for what purpose, does it serve mankind in a positive way. Does it reward your effort as one is every week when paid to work in a company/business? How the world is changing across an electronic stream. A river cannot move the mountain but a drop of water can. Are you the river or the drop of water in your future?

copyright mhazledine.barber manatthecoalface.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Food Food Glorious Food

Food Food Glorious Food.
Conscious leadership, self responsibility expressed philosophically around the globe, the leaders of any given political calling, should they recognize many countries live on the edge of a Marie Antoinette society?

The principle players are politicians rich enriching the already rich that wear boots so big they need four pairs of socks to fill them as children play “empty belly” on the winter streets of life.

A hard working man rich is to be applauded, a hard working man in the field of industry should not be condemned and little rewarded that does not sustain him.

If a fat man at the table of life is gorging food and drops some crumbs on the floor and I crawl in and steal the crumbs which one of us is the thief?

Change is a battle that must be won, hunger is a wild beast, what part are you going to play to be a voice for mankind? If mankind is well and feed, so are you, if the hunger erodes your neighbor, how well are you really?

copyright manatthecoal marie hazledine-barber