Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Figure by Llew Summers

Figure by sculptor Llew Summers sat still, arm behind her head, the other casual on the hip, naked breasts, said not a word. Her beauty alone said it all. Sculptors hands cast loving care each curve a conversation within itself. The therapists talk the ears hear ?


Flower pot minds
with dandelion
sitting under storm
clouds of
cigarette smoke.

Dedication to A & J Jack

cpoyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine.barber

Monday, February 25, 2008

Purpose of Life - Meaning of Life

Purpose of life what is it? Meaning of life what is it? Two questions with absolute definite answers yet entwined like a vine climbing the side of a building .

Meaning of life is the theory, thought of circumstances surrounding the individual.

Purpose of life is the intention the individual puts into action, either changing the circumstances surrounding the individual by their choice, or overcoming by mental thought an attitude beyond circumstances out of ones control.

Mankind has free will, every man has freedom. What is freedom?. Freedom no matter the circumstances every man is free to think, that's the meaning, the purpose is how the thoughts are put into action if a man is free or imprisoned by those thoughts.

No man knows what another man thinks until it is either put into action or expressed. This improves quality, or changes the individuals circumstances, changes laws or social structure reflecting the meaning of life and it's purpose, in every race colour and creed.

copyright manatthecoalface mhazledine-barber.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Wounds and value of.

What are wounds ? Wounds of regret, wounds of fear, wounds of looking back, wounds of delay. Wounds are getting over difficulties. The value of difficulties is what one learns from the challenge. Those that slide into inertia or try to avoid difficulties either learn nothing or decay.
In business fear has a high price, it comes about disguised in an overcoat called procrastination . It causes timidity, lack of decision, lack of accurate knowledge ,weakness of will, by those who fear personal change.

Fear is caused by misuse of imagination and regrets are caused by misuse of memory.
Imagination and memory are there to help not hurt. If the imagination is strong and positive it will show the soul possibilities. If the memory is strong and positive it will show the soul past success. Such is the value of difficulties.

In business dare to invest in learning, from books, from others in fields of knowledge that give leverage, there is no shame in not knowing something, there is shame in inertia. Learn from possibilities offered, listen to what is being taught, be prepared to back your idea and structure have the nerve to invest.

Knowledge from others is not a personal attack, if it was Henry Ford would not have built his cars.

copyright manatthecoalface mhazledine-barber

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Get Out of the Box

Get out of the box, … A Roman soldier from Ceaser’s Legion lay next to a French soldier from Napoleons’ Waterloo, who lay next to a German soldier of the 1st World War, embraced by a British soldier whose hand lay gently on the shoulder of a Russian soldier of the 2nd World War, the US Marine lay quietly beside with a book in his hand Titled the US Civil War North and South , an airman from New Zealand sat in his bi-plane, wing tipped to the Fokker, the Spitfire facing the de Havilland Gnome, sitting by the wheel a Polish airman, the Italian soldier crouched by the Scottish soldier holding his bagpipes, a 1st World War German soldier hands held a cross, lightly on the chest of the Jewish boy soldier from Britain, whose father lay in desert sands next to warriors of Great Arab Nations, the French Foreign Legionnaire hands by his side, the Egyptian soldier lay beside him holding a Turkish sword with a quiver of the Romans, Knights on the chessboard with the Knights armour resting in Mongolian tents where lay a soldier from Greece holding Plato’s writing , within the depths lay the Navy Captain of the Japanese Navy with the Russian seaman, beside the airman from Japan with the Australian soldier of the 2nd World War, like a folded rose petal over the Cossack from St Petersburg holding sheet music of Tea by Tchaikovsky (Chinese Dance) the pilgrim next to the Indian beside the Bombay Grenadier quietly by the Chiefs of the Pacific, the Spanish soldier with the Cuban revolutionary who lay beside the Portuguese, the fleets tall masted ships anchored below the waves of the sea, the jeeps quiet as red poppies grow, white crosses cross the land the Chinese Boxer Army, still , stone Chinese stone photograph stand quiet in line beneath the land the Wall has crossed, dusty layers trickle down the shoulders of the Korean soldier brushing the South African Boar War soldier peaceful beside the Zulu warrior who sat beside the pilgrim, holding out a book to the sleeping Palestine soldier sitting beside the soldier from Israel holding the helmet of red plume of the Roman soldier, whose hand stretched out to the gentle Gurkha , whose curved sword embraced the soldier of Iraq, who lay shoulder to shoulder to the soldier from Iran, whispering to the ghosts of Hiroshima looking East above the ground the silence of Chernobyl city, to bury the metal in great caves underground for thousands of years what soldier has a mind, who lay next to the soldier with sticks and stones of the 4th World War beside the airman of the 3rd World War, melted white crosses and red poppies grow, the Irish soldier with his fiddle lay still on the rock , beside the sailor and airman interlocked, all good men, all race colour and creed lay, still families bleed, soldiers lay still on a thin veil of transparency, Heads of Nations who can show a blind man colours, a deaf man hear when in a box.

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Monday, February 11, 2008

Broken Arm

Broken arm is fixed up at the hospital. Then there is the broken mind. Or broken spirit.

The broken arm needs the doctor, so does the mind. The spirit needs a metaphysician so where does the "therapist” fit in?

Psychiatric is the mind, the mechanics. Nuts and bolts, the psychology are human "I feel” The relationship between “I feel", the mind and spirit the ancients recognized this of how what one thinks manifest itself.

What is the real contribution of the therapist do they offer tools that a person carry through the daily life in an ever changing horizon. Tools an ordinary human can carry implementing a positive harvest of their garden in life.

Existentialism, metaphysical laws are the doctors as the doctor for the broken arm.

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Friday, February 8, 2008

The Light Switch

The light switch is turned on there is light. That is the expectation. Expectation in a human being is like the light switch, one does not need to understand, yet understand there are variables. Being consciously aware of the variables brings positive results to the expectation. Self responsibilty is refining the results of the expectation, behaving accordingly.

Self responsibilty evokes refinement of wisdom, judgement, balance, questioning, evaluating on the foundation of metaphysical law.

The question of free will is a question of choice, the heart of self responsibilty. Human exercise of control over their actions and decisions.

The law of the ancients, a law of Hermes Trismegistus.

Look to yourself. The question is what is the expectation, the mental seive of the mind , consciously aware of results, if none is the question reinvention.

Look at the laws and practice in daily life. "Keep the heart ( or imagination ) with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life." (Proverbs 4;23 )

copyright manatthecoalface mhazledine.barber

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

All Roads lead to Rome

What a wonderful saying. All roads lead to Rome, or is it meant to be all roads lead to God.?

Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, all walk to God on different roads, the principles are the same, metaphysical law is the same, the exisitentialism the same but all different.

Extremists and fundamentalists walk in the muddy ditch of life, wearing boots of a fallen angel, casting aside the principles bringing the jailer of cruelty, ridgid constrains, eyes that see inward but blind to the outside. Slaves imprisoned.

The leaders empowering selfishly themselves by disempowering others, like a bug on the tree, the locusts in the field abundant with life.

The law of love embraces all race colour and creed.
Wisdom, understanding, power, knowledge of the same in difference on the road to Rome should be celebrated and embraced.

Transparency is the window of life, no man stands in the same position as the other therefore the perspective is different but the garden of God is the same.

So all roads lead to Rome the soldier pondered or is it really all roads lead to God.?

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

The Garden in the Mind

Combining Metaphysical Law and Existentialism principles is like a gardener tending a plot of land. Intelligently cultivated or if allowed to run wild so is the result.

Dividing the word "Intelligently" = "Intel" = the sphere of thought that reaches into the soul and extends beyond therefore "you reap what you sow"

Useless, impure thoughts are like an uncultivated garden running wild with weeds.

Gentle, = The act of being gentle is that one of care, delicate calm. moderate, tranquil as seen in many acts of cultures and religion.

Pure thoughts like the gardner culitvating the garden with intelligent thought produces flowers and fruits.
So is the mind.

The greatest gardens are those of the sage, prophet, dreamers, sculptor , artist. teacher or preacher, poet. Endurng for all mankind.

Remember the oak tree sleeps in the acorn, the bird in the egg.

copyright manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber

Monday, February 4, 2008

Industrial Footprints

What is industry. Energy input to a product designed for public reception in the desire for success. Success measured by reward. Reward the measure of cost, production and energy spent surplus enough for continum plus reward for those workers, or those involved who bought the product to fruition and the market.

An idea in action requires structure. Timing and if required structrual solutions. Everything has a risk, reckless risk or passion is a solution not thought through . Calculated risk is risk with structural solutions.

Question how committed are you. Your idea requires commitment. Not involvement, consider bacon and eggs. The hen is involved the pig is committed.

Irrespective if your industry is the same as some-one elses what makes yours different, what is the competitive edge.

In other words simply put, footprints of industry are you stepping into the footprints that are already there and if so, what impression have you left?

Or did the impression stand out as creating the reward desire thats aimed for.

Expectations . The wisdom if the the returns are not what was expected , what part of the structure from the launch pad was overlooked or ignored.? Metaphysical law applies in industry and the captains of industry need to be conciously aware.

copyright manatthecoalface mhazledine-barber

Friday, February 1, 2008

Different - Social Apartheid

Different, disabled, intellecutal handicapped, genetic disorder, if it is broke, do we have to fix it? Do we necessarily need to "solve" it.

If the disability is something damaged or broken through whatever cause that needs fixing, solving, what value are the human beings with the impairment does society place on them.

Why fix something that is not broke, are these human beings just different to the "norm" whose contribution to life is as valuable as any other human being.

What can the "norm" learn from those impaired? Instead of social apartheid the differences should be embraced, nutured and supported.

Human dignity should be offered to all those with impairments, disabilities, society offers "poor pathetic, sad, tradgic." view a token of charitable support. Divide or socially cull.

Diversity of the human condition colours the tapestry of the world. The "broke" human being is perfect, what is perfection? Perfection is absolute as imperfection is perfect in absolute, unique. All humans are, human beings just being human.

Metaphysical law on courage, strength, is demonstrated in action in everyday life by the "broke" human being. Impairment approaches life with extraordinary skill , navigation, and creation.

If the value of technology, social apartheid is overlooking the inherent dignity of human life hiding or screening out impairment/disabilty are we not screening/hiding the quintessential human.

Impaired, disabled, intellectual handicapped, are not " poor, pathetic, sad or tragic, " yet rich in courage persistence, focus, and fortitude. Social contstraints around this should be freed, celebrated and supported in every way as these human beings so richly deserve.

copyright. manatthecoalface. mhazledine-barber